Satisfied clients are the main source of motivation for online businessmen. There is no doubt that it is easier to keep existing customers than to get the new ones. Together with this, if you receive no complaints considering your service, it doesn’t mean everything is perfect. But many statistics claim that almost 96% of unsatisfied clients do not criticize, and the great part of them just never return back. So, it is really vital for your business to make a good impression as well as the positive experience for so precious clients. Cart2Cart would like to help you and list 5 guaranteed ways to accomplish the customers needs.
Lavish Freebies
Who doesn’t like freebies? Especially customers will be pleased when they get those gratis gifts like a surprise. There are many things that can be used as these freebies. For instance, you can provide costless shipping upgrades, bogged down fees or add grant samples of products. All these things can become the reason why your customers keep an eye on the store. And only you are to decide when or which freebies have to be used or not. Freedom for freebies!
Use Plain Language
Another reason that can have a great influence on customer’s experience is a confusion. Try to stay clear in your store content especially policies and descriptions. Make sure that such procedures as checkout is intuitive and simple. Don’t forget about call to action buttons that have to lead clients to the next stages of shopping and successful completion of making their purchases. Furthermore, pay attention the way your return policy looks whether it provides enough information about returns acceptance.
Slash Response Time
Don’t annoy customers with long-time responses. Create a strategy and methods for quick and efficient answers including ready-made e-mail template. For frequent questions, you may use specific prepared texts that can shorten the time of response and satisfy clients needs.
As social networks have become an essential part of any business, there is no doubt that you have Facebook or Twitter page of your store. Monitor the profiles controlling the questions and comments with instant responses or providing the e-mail for official customer service.
Foresee Clients Needs
Try to anticipate your customers needs, issues and desires. Be one step ahead with a deep understanding of clients and their requirements. Moreover, always stay honest and emphatic as it is the best way to make them feel special. Do what you promise and meet the customers expectations making it’s more probable to convert simple buyers in the long-term customers.
Show that You Care
Providing any changes for the store, present them in a light of benefits for each and every of your customers. Even if you are setting up higher price for products, convince clients that they appear to be in the mind during the changes. Write emails notifying that you care about them. Show your actions through the prism of benefits!
Are you ready to claim that all these points have been abided? Increase your customers satisfaction for making an online business more profitable.
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