Svitlana Kryskova

Marketing Manager, interested in eBusiness, learning new languages and discovering our world. Most of all I want to become the kind of person who could make the world a little better.


Complete Squarespace Tutorial for Beginners

Squarespace is a high-rated website builder. It's a favorite with creatives who use it to show off their work. The Squarespace library has 140 stunning templates so beautiful that it's...

Migration Guides | 5 MIN READ
top 3

Top Choices for Selling Digital Products Online

If you want to start a business online, there’s one thing you need to know: digital products are one of the most lucrative ways to make money online. You can...

Must-Know Tips | 5 MIN READ

Top Products to Sell on eBay

Everybody knows eBay is one of the best online platforms to sell on. After all, eBay reaches 190 million people! That's a lot of buyers. The problem is what to...

Must-Know Tips | 5 MIN READ
Magento to PrestaShop

Complete Magento to PrestaShop migration checklist

Recent acquisition of Magento by Adobe has caused much dissatisfaction within the Magento community, with many users being unhappy with Adobe’s focus on Adobe Commerce for Enterprise clients leaving the...

Migration Checklist | 3 MIN READ
shoplift upgrade

Complete Shopify upgrade checklist

In simple terms it means transferring all your Shopify store data to Shopify, so that you can operate your online business on the Shopify platform. Shopify is a hugely popular...

Migration Guides | 4 MIN READ
WooCommerce to PrestaShop

Complete WooCommerce to PrestaShop migration checklist

Store migration is the process of transferring data, design, and functionality from the existing store to a new store. The process allows merchants to export the database (products, customers, orders,...

Migration Guides | 4 MIN READ
Stop war in Ukraine