Svitlana Kryskova

Marketing Manager, interested in eBusiness, learning new languages and discovering our world. Most of all I want to become the kind of person who could make the world a little better.


9 Surprisingly Impactful Ways to Speed up Magento 1.x - 2.x

It’s not a secret that loading speed really matters for both conversion rates and search rankings. User’s attention spans are inevitably getting shorter and shorter. Nearly half of web shoppers...

Shopping Carts Reviews | 6 MIN READ

Why Upgrade Magento 1 to Magento 2 [Infographic]

Merchants have begun arguing about moving to the new platform if nothing considerable has been added to its functionality. Since Magento 2 was released, there have also been concerns if...

Shopping Carts Reviews | 2 MIN READ

Is Shopify SEO Any Good: A Complete List of Features

It’s not a secret that organic search traffic is one of the key success factors for online businesses. Hosted platforms are traditionally considered to be weak from the SEO perspective...

Shopping Carts Reviews | 5 MIN READ

In Depth xt:Commerce NEXT Review

xt:Commerce NEXT is a Germany-based progressive SaaS version of xt:Commerce open-source shopping cart. It is designed for a fast and effortless entering to the e-Commerce market and offers a comprehensive,...

Must-Know Tips | 4 MIN READ
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xt:Commerce NEXT to LemonStand

Let us know if you want to migrate xt:Commerce NEXT to LemonStand xt:Commerce NEXT to LemonStand migration is not supported at the moment. We're sorry about that. However, don’t lose...

Possible Shopping Cart Migrations | 1 MIN READ
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xt:Commerce NEXT to JooCart

Let us know if you want to migrate xt:Commerce NEXT to JooCart Migration from xt:Commerce NEXT to JooCart is supported in terms of Data Migration Service Package only. xt:Commerce NEXT...

Possible Shopping Cart Migrations | 1 MIN READ
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