Migrate SEO URLs with Cart2Cart

The main concern of merchants at the threshold of shopping cart migration are SEO issues. How to move store to another platform without losing SE rankings? A good question requires a good answer. To facilitate the process of managing SEO after data transfer Cart2Cart has introduced a feature allowing to migrate product and category SEO URLs to a new store.

SEO URLs are the web page addresses which are both readable for SE and convenient for humans. Friendly URLs are not the only factor of high SEO ranking. However, SEO URLs help search engine robots analyze your site properly, find folder names and distinguish links to keywords. Also such URLs are more convenient for customers as they are easy to remember and browse.

How to Migrate SEO URLs

Cart2Cart allows to migrate product URLs from your current store to a new one. This option is available as additional feature you can choose when setting store migration. To order the option you should take the following steps:

Check if the option is supported for your shopping cart. Additional options are currently limited for some shopping carts. Of course, Cart2Cart developers constantly extend functionality to provide customers with more migration opportunities. For now, the migration of product and category SEO URLs is available for:

Register Cart2Cart account

Cart2Cart is an automated online service which requires no software installation. However, to perform migration you need to register first, or login with your Facebook/Google account.

Worried About SEO Rankings After Migration?

With Cart2Cart, you can seamlessly migrate product and category SEO URLs to your new store, preserving your rankings and customer experience. Start your migration today and keep your SEO intact!

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Set the Migration

As soon as you are ready to perform the migration, set Migration Wizard. Provide the information on your shopping carts. As soon as you come to the step of Entities Selection, choose the items you need to migrate and check the option "Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products". Then proceed to the following steps and set Full migration. Cart2Cart will transfer your product and category URLs preserving their structure on the new store.

Benefits You Get

The option of product URLs migration will facilitate your store management after data transfer. You’ll particularly appreciate:

  • automated link transfer which requires no technical skills
  • optimized customer experience with product URLs easy to browse
  • increased search engine ranking

Before ordering additional option of product and category SEO URLs migration, please note that it is not obligatory and is performed only on customer’s request. The price for additional option is added to the price of migration, so estimate the price of your data transfer and then add the price of additional option you require.

Don’t hesitate to try Cart2Cart store migration. You’ll be satisfied with high service quality and vast choice of migration opportunities.