Your Ultimate Squarespace SEO Guide

Website traction is not about a beautifully designed website with stunning images; it's about whether the site is optimized for SEO. Such a site will rank high on search engines and be seen by internet users searching for your Squarespace store.

In this Squarespace SEO guide, we'll give you some tried and tested tips to ensure that your site gets noticed by search engines, so your customers can find you.

Is Squarespace good for SEO?

Squarespace comes with built-in SEO tools, so website owners don't need to worry about the technical aspects of SEO. Understanding how to use these tools to optimize your site is crucial to your online success.

The problem is, it's not as simple as that. SEO is complicated and difficult to get right. Even with Squarespace's SEO abilities, you have to know what you're doing to get good results.


The Squarespace sales pitch is that it comes optimized for SEO, but the reality is website owners can't just leave SEO up to Squarespace. That is why we offer you this Squarespace SEO tutorial 2023.

Look through a short video guide with tips on how to set up your new store right after you’ve transferred the data from your previous store into it:

How to do good Squarespace SEO?

In this Squarespace SEO tutorial for beginners, we will discuss tips to improve SEO fro Squarespace.

1. Turn on SSL

Google gives preference to sites that are secure. Squarespace offers a free SSL certificate; turn it on.

2. Do keyword research

Keywords are the basis of SEO for Squarespace. The core of Squarespace SEO is keyword research. Keyword research will help you find the best keywords to target, giving you insight into the terms your target audience use to find you and businesses like yours.

A good keyword research tool is invaluable for this purpose.

3. Use a custom domain name

One way to do this is to use keywords in your domain name, which will give an indication of what your site is about. Choose a keyword targeted to your audience to include in your domain name. It should be relevant to your business. Choose a top-level domain extension like .com, .org, or .net. and keep your domain name short and easy to remember.

4. Customize your URLs

Customize your URLs by using keywords in them. Your URLs should make sense, especially for product and service pages. The URL should be descriptive, short, indicative of the content, and easy to understand.

Tip: URLs should be based on user needs rather than the name of a product or service.

Short and clean URLs do well on search engines and users also trust them more.

Note: look through the Cart2Cart Blog for useful tips & tricks on how to migrate data across various shopping cart solutions.

5. Organize your content with tags and/or categories

Google likes to navigate through organized content. Make life easy for Google with tags and/or categories. Also, add image tags to help Google.


6. Post high-quality content

Write and post superior content that is well-written, of a certain length, and offers useful information that adds value.

7. Optimize content length

Content length that ranks well ranges between 1,300 and 2,000 words.

8. Use good formatting principles

Your writing should have a heading and several subheadings. Use short paragraphs to make the work more readable. Break the writing up with bullet points, and use italics and bold to highlight content.

9. Invite blog comments

Comments on your blogs are a great way to engage with your audience and find out more about them. You can use the information to better target your audience.

10. Respond to comments

Responding to comments from your site visitors is a way to give your business a human face and people actually engage with people, not entities.

11. Optimize your blog images.

Use high-definition images that you compress so they don't slow down your page loading time.

12. Use internal links

Use internal links that link to other content on your site. Google is responsive to internal links.

13. Build backlinks

Building backlinks is great for Squarespace SEO. You get the most out of backlinks if you use them to link to good content on sites relevant to your website content. Search engines promote pages that feature many backlinks.

14. Use related posts plugins

You can also links that refer to related posts. There are plugins that do that for you automatically. This trick is great for sales and for SEO for Squarespace.

15. Use external links

This is another practice that is favored by Google. Link to other websites whenever applicable.


16. Post regularly

The intervals between publishing content are not as important as posting regularly. The point is to produce high-quality content regularly.

17. Optimize your meta description

Meta descriptions are those short blurbs displayed on the Search Engine Results Page. Users read it to see what the page is about. It's often the thing that makes users decide to click on a page, so pay attention to your meta descriptions.

12 on-page SEO tips for Squarespace

1. Begin with keyword research to guide the creation of high-quality content

Conducting keyword research is a crucial step in optimizing your Squarespace website (or any website) for SEO. For each page on your site that will be indexed by search engines, you should identify a primary or "focus" keyword (or keyphrase) that you want to rank for.

If you already have a lot of content and haven't done any keyword research yet, don't worry. Start with your highest priority pages—those that have the most direct impact on your business goals.

Create a spreadsheet to list every page on your website, including columns for:

  • URL
  • Focus keyword
  • Page title
  • Meta description

These columns will get you started, and you'll use them in the next steps to improve your SEO strategy.

2. Optimize your title tags

Each page on your website has a title tag that sends a strong signal to search engines (and users) about the page's content. Ensure your title tag includes your focus keyword.

In Squarespace, the process for editing the title tag varies depending on whether you're editing the homepage, a regular page, a blog post, or a product.

3. Optimize your meta description tags

Just as every page needs a strong title tag, it's equally important to ensure all pages have a compelling meta description. The meta description is the brief snippet of text that search engines may display below the page title and URL on the search results page, though Google sometimes chooses different text to display.

Writing custom meta descriptions is worthwhile because they play a significant role in influencing users to click through to your website from the search results. Be sure to include your focus keyword in the meta description and give users a clear sense of the value they will gain from visiting the page.

In Squarespace, you can add meta descriptions using the same interface as for SEO titles. Refer to the screenshots from step 2 above to locate where to add these SEO descriptions.

4. Optimize URLs

Squarespace allows you to create clean, short, and easy-to-read URLs for each page, blog post, and product.

Including your focus keyword in the URL is essential. This not only helps search engines understand the page's content but also increases the visibility of your focus keyword on the search engine results page.

Here are some tips to remember:

  • Keep URLs short.
  • Separate words with hyphens, not spaces or underscores.
  • The URL doesn’t have to match the page title exactly.

To create a custom, optimized URL for a Squarespace page, click the gear icon to open the settings menu. In the "General" section, enter the URL in the field labeled "URL slug," which is the last part of the URL structure.

For a blog post, open the post settings and use the Options tab to edit the Post URL.

To edit a product URL slug, use the same Marketing settings window highlighted in step 2 for the SEO title.

5. Use heading tags to structure content

Now that we've covered titles, meta descriptions, and URLs, it's time to focus on the content of your website pages. Following a clear hierarchy of heading levels helps search engines and visitors understand your content better.

Each page should have one (and only one) Heading 1 tag, which should include your focus keyword (this is usually the title at the top of the page). Use Heading 2 tags to divide the content into sections, and if needed, use Heading 3 tags within those sections to further organize the information.

6. Set alt text and readable file names for images

When adding images to your Squarespace website, make it a habit to set "alt text" for each image during upload, as it can be time-consuming to edit later. Here are three important reasons to add alt text to images:

  1. Alt text allows screen readers to interpret and describe each image for visually impaired users.
  2. It helps search engine crawlers understand the value an image adds to a page.
  3. If the image fails to load, the alt text will be displayed instead.

The process for setting alt text varies in Squarespace depending on whether you're using image blocks, gallery images, or different versions like Squarespace 7.1 and 7.0. For detailed instructions, refer to Squarespace's image alt text support article.

Another tip: search engines also consider the file names of images. Using descriptive, human-readable file names before uploading them to Squarespace can further signal the relevance of the images to search engines. For instance, use grand-canyon.jpg instead of IMG5624.jpg for a blog post about National Parks.

7. Show users the secure version of your site using SSL, HTTPS and HSTS

Squarespace simplifies the process of ensuring your website loads securely using the HTTPS protocol. To enable this, navigate to Settings > Developer Tools > SSL and select the Secure option.

Additionally, check the HSTS Secure box while you're there. This setting encrypts the connection, further protecting your website from improper access or impersonation.

8. Check your site speed

Search engines and users favor fast-loading webpages, and Google’s core ranking systems consider page load speed a critical factor in assessing overall page experience.

One of the advantages of using Squarespace, a hosted platform, is that much of the server-side optimization for page load time is handled for you. However, you can still take several steps to ensure your content does not slow down your site:

  • Keep your images appropriately sized (no wider than 2000 pixels) and reduce file size as much as possible. Squarespace recommends using images smaller than 500 KB, though many can be reduced to 250 KB or less.
  • Minimize the use of external scripts and custom code snippets.
  • Limit the number of web fonts used on your website.

To check your Squarespace website speed, use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool by entering your page URLs and reviewing the recommendations.

9. Include your physical location 

Squarespace websites can enhance local SEO for businesses or organizations with physical locations.

  • Utilize the options found under Settings > Business Information to provide contact details and a physical address.
  • Include useful information such as a location map and directions on a page titled "Contact Us," "How to Find Us," or "Location."
  • Consider adding your physical address to the website footer for easy access from every page.

Take the initiative to feature and link to other pertinent content on your site from each page. Utilizing internal links (also known as "crosslinks") within your website offers two advantages:

  1. Enhances search engine understanding: Internal links assist search engines in indexing your website, aiding in the comprehension of interrelated pages.
  2. Encourages visitor engagement: By showcasing related content, you prompt visitors to explore more of your website after viewing the initial page, thereby increasing their time spent on your site.
Avoiding broken links is crucial for SEO on your Squarespace website. Whenever you modify a page's URL, it's essential to create a "301 redirect" that links the old URL to the new one. This serves three purposes:
  1. Redirects visitors clicking on links to the old URL to the correct destination.
  2. Informs search engines about the new location of the content.
  3. Preserves the SEO "value" or "link equity" earned by the previous URL, ensuring it is passed on to the updated URL.

To manage 301 redirects in Squarespace, navigate to Settings > Developer Tools > URL Mappings. To add a new 301 redirect, use the format: /old-url-slug -> /new-url-slug 301. Enter each redirect rule on a new line and click save to implement the changes.

Later in this guide, we'll discuss how to utilize external tools to scan your website for broken links that require attention.

In the meantime, Squarespace offers the option to customize the "404 error page" displayed to users who encounter a link that Squarespace cannot find.

This customization prevents users from seeing a generic and confusing error message and instead provides them with links to popular content on your site or a direct link to contact you as the website owner for assistance.

To create a customized 404 error page, first, create a new regular page from the Pages section of the Squarespace dashboard, including the desired content. Once the page is saved, navigate to Design > 404 Page, select the relevant page from the dropdown menu, and click Save.


Can Squarespace sites rank on Google?

Yes, Squarespace websites can indeed rank on Google and other search engines. Squarespace provides a solid foundation for implementing good SEO practices, and many Squarespace websites have achieved high search engine rankings. However, like any website, the success of ranking on Google depends on various factors and the effort you put into optimizing your site.

Here are some factors to consider when aiming to rank your Squarespace site on Google:

  • Content Quality and Relevance
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Site Structure and Navigation
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • Image Optimization
  • Page Speed Optimization
  • External Links and Backlinks
  • Structured Data Markup
  • XML Sitemap Submission
  • Monitor Analytics
  • Consistency and Patience

SEO takes time to yield results. Consistently apply best practices and monitor your progress over time.

What's the best template for Squarespace SEO?

Squarespace has several templates that are excellent for SEO. One of them is the Bergen Template. The good news is you don't have to pay for it. It’s a free template from the latest version of Squarespace.

If you use Bergen, search engines can easily find your website. The template allows access to the whole range of Squarespace SEO tools.

This template doesn't have too many elements – it is ready for you to tailor to your needs. In addition, the loading speed is above average and that applies across all devices.

Is WordPress better for SEO than Squarespace?

Both platforms have SEO capabilities out of the box. Squarespace has a lot of SEO features, including custom URLs, responsive content, generating an XML sitemap, URL redirections, and more.

WordPress also has great SEO features out of the box, but the platform also has a phletora of SEO apps for users to optimize their sites for SEO. However, to get the best out of WordPress in terms of SEO, you really need to be able to code.

So, while WordPress has more to offer, most people will get more out of Squarespace because it's simpler to work with.

Does Squarespace have an SEO plugin?

No, Squarespace doesn't have an SEO plugin. That is because Squarespace comes with SEO built in.

Can you get good SEO with Squarespace?

Yes, Squarespace does offer good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) capabilities, and you can achieve effective search engine visibility with proper optimization practices. While Squarespace might not be as customizable as some other platforms, it provides several built-in tools and features that can help improve your website's SEO performance. Read the article to find more detailed information about the best tips & tricks to achieve good SEO with Squarespace.

While Squarespace provides tools to optimize your website for SEO, it's important to remember that SEO is an ongoing effort. Regularly monitoring your site's performance, keeping up with SEO best practices, and adapting to changes in search engine algorithms are essential for maintaining good SEO rankings.

Is Squarespace 7.1 better for SEO?

Squarespace 7.1 introduces some improvements that can positively impact SEO, but it's important to note that both Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1 versions offer solid SEO capabilities. Squarespace continually works to enhance its platform's SEO features, and while Squarespace 7.1 includes certain updates, the choice between versions may depend on your overall website design and functionality needs.

Ultimately, both Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1 can offer good SEO capabilities. Choose the version that best aligns with your website's design, functionality, and customization needs while keeping SEO best practices in mind. Regularly updating your content, optimizing metadata, and following SEO guidelines are crucial regardless of the version you choose.

Is Wix better than Squarespace SEO?

Both Wix and Squarespace offer SEO features that can help improve your website's search engine visibility, but the effectiveness of SEO depends on various factors, including your website's content, structure, and optimization efforts.

Ultimately, both Wix and Squarespace can provide effective SEO capabilities, but your choice should be based on a holistic assessment of your website's needs and your comfort with the platform. Consistently implementing SEO best practices, producing high-quality content, and engaging in link-building efforts are essential regardless of the platform you choose.

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We’d love to hear from you about your experiences with implementing Squarespace SEO strategies to enhance your website's visibility! Have you found success with optimizing your Squarespace site for search engines? Share your thoughts, questions, and insights in the comments below. Whether you've encountered challenges or discovered effective techniques, your feedback can help others navigate the complexities of Squarespace SEO and improve their website's online presence. Join the conversation and contribute to the collective knowledge of Squarespace SEO optimization!

One thought on "Ultimate Squarespace SEO Guide: Boost Your Website's Visibility"

Implementing Squarespace SEO strategies is vital for any website looking to boost its visibility and attract organic traffic. This comprehensive guide provides invaluable insights and actionable tips to optimize Squarespace sites effectively. From keyword research to technical optimization and content creation, it covers all aspects necessary to improve search engine rankings and drive more visitors to your website. Following these best practices can lead to significant improvements in search engine visibility and ultimately help businesses achieve their online goals.

We hope you find this basic Squarespace SEO tutorial useful.

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